Help Monroe Get Surgery

Help Monroe Get Surgery

From Brenda Steward

Monroe has a large tumor in her stomach & we NEED to get it out! It takes up a lot of her abdomen so I am trying to raise the $1000 down payment to move forward. Please help if you can, nothing is too small. Or share. ❤️

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Update #1

6 months ago

So Monroe does have a large tumor in her stomach and we are going to do the surgery to take it out. We need to do it ASAP! It takes up a lot of her abdomen, she has pain meds until Monday when we hope to do the surgery. We just need to come up with the $1000, that's 20% of the $4200 it will cost for the entire surgery. Please help if you can, anything helps. Thank you so much!

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Brenda Steward posted a new update:
6 months ago

Update #1

So Monroe does have a large tumor in her stomach and we are going to do the surgery to take it out. We need to do it ASAP! It takes up a lot of her abdomen, she has pain meds until Monday when we hope to do the surgery. We just need to come up with the $1000, that's 20% of the $4200 it will cost for the entire surgery. Please help if you can, anything helps. Thank you so much!

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